Outdoor Thanksgiving Decor Ideas for your Walkways

Fall is one of the best times of year to spruce up the outside of your home! With such a variety of season-filled décor available, mixed in with the changing leaves and snowfall, it is a great time to showcase your house’s beauty. Whether you plan to go all out, or do something simple, there is plenty you can do to get people talking! From making a plan and do-it-yourself ideas, to enhancing your Centennial commercial brick walkways, use these tips for your outdoor decorating this Thanksgiving.  
Making a Plan

If you have never decorated the outside of your house for a holiday, and do not have an inventory to pull from, it is best to start with a plan. This enables you to set and stick to a budget. A plan also helps you take the time to research how you would like your space to look. For your first agenda item—do your homework. Pinterest is a great place to start and pin ideas to a “Thanksgiving Décor” board. If you do not use Pinterest, there are plenty of ideas you can find and bookmark through a simple online search. For instance, try one of these Thanksgiving outdoor decorations for inspiration. Next, set your budget and see how the items you found can be worked in. Then you are ready to get started on purchasing the decorations!

DIY Ideas

If you are crafty and prefer to make your own holiday decorations, or piece arrangements together on your own, Thanksgiving is such a fun time! First, find ways to incorporate some of the season’s most popular colors. These include reds, yellows and oranges. Commonly, burnt or rusted shades as opposed to bright and bold fits the theme. Next, consider one of these 40 festive and cozy ideas for Thanksgiving decorations. One of the popular items is a “welcome” chalkboard sign with leaves or other holiday-themed décor around it. Add in a nice message for a personal touch. For instance, you can put a positive “thankful” daily affirmation on it, such as “I am thankful to have you as a guest.” Old Ball jars, pumpkins, cornucopias, pinecones, and lights are also great elements to incorporate.

Enhancing Walkways

There are many opportunities to enhance your walkways for Thanksgiving. If your walkways do not have guided lighting along the path, this is a great addition. You can find lights that run on solar energy for additional savings. Along with these, try to find a safe outdoor decoration to add onto your lights that can be seen during the day. You can also decorate your walkways with pumpkins and other Thanksgiving-themed items. Don’t have walkways? Or are yours in poor shape? Consider installing pavers. Why use interlocking paving stone? They stand up to the elements much better than most other constructions, including concrete. Fall is the perfect time to install them, too.

To add brick pavers into your landscape before Thanksgiving, AMK Hardscapes can help. Our brick pavers are durable, enabling you to be happy with your investment. Learn more about how we can help you by calling 303-525-8601 today.